To join, please fill this form as truthfully as possible. The annual fee is 150 swedish crowns for swedish residents and 25 US$ for other nationalitys. Once approved you will recieve SSB&RDF´s magazine THE SWEDISH COCKTAIL PAPER (three or four times/year), a membership card (to prove your belonging), the SSB&RDF emblem the rules of the association and you will also be given a new name that will be considered as your real name starting the day you are approved. Good Luck!
    Phoney name:
    Street: City: State:
    Zip code: Country:
    Birth date (yy/mm/dd):
    Name your three favourite toycars from your collection (manifacurer, model and number, please):
    How often do you play with your toycars?
    Once a year.
    Once a month.
    Once a week.
    Once a day.
    What do you prefer to smoke when you play?
    Some Ultra Light Menthol-cigarette.
    A crooked pipe.
    A straight pipe.

    Name one or more of your full sized cars:

    (I´m sorry, I dont own a full-sized car, but I promise to purchase the following model as soon as possible.):

    At what service-station do you prefer to fill your tank?
    1. Exxon.
    2. British Petroleum.
    3. What ever!

    When was the last time you were drunk at work/in school?

    When was the last time you humiliated yourself or somebody else?

    Please, describe:

    When was the last time you gave somebody a Wunderbaum?

    Where did you hide it?

    I find myself worthy of a membership in THE SWEDISH TOYCAR- & LIQUOR ASSOCIATION beacuse (please, continue):

    My merits are:

    I understand that a membership in The Swedish Toycar- & Liquor Association means that I always has to obey the Board, no matter how they choose to humiliate or punish me. I am fully awere of that my yearly fee can (and probably will) be used to buy liquor to the members of the Board. I agree to the fact that the information that I have stated here will be entered into The Swedish Toycar- & Liquor Associations data-base.

    We will contact you as soon as we have treated your application. If your application is approved you will be notified of your future duties.

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    This page is constructed by THE COUNT.
    © 1996
    Pictures by Jonas Axelson, Jan Mickelin and Wilhelm Petersson.
    Illustrations by Joakim Lindengren and Wilhelm Petersson.